In-field calibration of the Navigation Dosimetry System (NAVIDOS) during solar minimum conditions T. Möller1,2, O. Burda2, S. Burmeister1, B. Heber1, F. Langner2, and F. Wissmann2 1Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU), Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Leibnizstr. 11–19, 24118 Kiel, Germany 2Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Received: 03 Dec 2012 – Revised: 11 Apr 2013 – Accepted: 03 May 2013 – Published: 24 Jun 2013
Abstract. The NAVIgation DOsimetry System (NAVIDOS) comprises a complete readout system
for a radiation detector, an air pressure sensor and a GPS receiver. The
detector system DOSTEL uses silicon detectors which make NAVIDOS light
weighted and compact in size. Therefore, NAVIDOS is well suited to be
installed on board aircraft. The calibration of NAVIDOS in terms of ambient
dose equivalent is done by an in-field comparison with the PTB reference
instrument πDOS. We also show that the dependence of these results on the
vertical cut-off rigidity can be explained by the low response of the silicon
detectors for neutrons. Therefore, in-flight measurements have been performed
together with the PTB reference instrument πDOS. The dose rates,
calculated using the PTB code FDOScalc, were verified with these πDOS
measurements. The calibration of NAVIDOS was done with FDOScalc and results
in calibration factors between 3.4 in the polar and 2.4 in the equator
Citation: Möller, T., Burda, O., Burmeister, S., Heber, B., Langner, F., and Wissmann, F.: In-field calibration of the Navigation Dosimetry System (NAVIDOS) during solar minimum conditions, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 8, 45-49, doi:10.5194/astra-8-45-2012, 2012.