Features of relativistic solar proton spectra derived from ground level enhancement events (GLE) modeling E. V. Vashenyuk, Yu. V. Balabin, and B. B. Gvozdevsky Polar Geophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sci., Apatity, 184209, Russia
Received: 22 Nov 2010 – Revised: 31 Dec 2010 – Accepted: 28 Jan 2011 – Published: 26 Oct 2011
Abstract. With the developed by the authors of a ground level enhancements events (GLE) modeling technique, the modeling study of 35 large GLEs for the period 1956–2006 has been carried out. The basic characteristics of relativistic solar protons (RSP) are obtained: a rigidity (energetic) spectrum, anisotropy axis direction, and pitch angle distributions for each event. It is shown that in nearly all events there existed two components (population) of relativistic solar particles: prompt and delayed. The prompt component (PC) prevails in the beginning of the event. It is characterized by an impulsive profile, strong anisotropy and exponential energetic spectrum. The delayed component (DC) dominates during maximum and decline phases of the events. It has a gradual intensity profile, moderate anisotropy and a power law energetic spectrum. The analysis of the large number GLE shows the value of a characteristic energy in the exponential spectrum of PC has rather stable meaning ~0.5 GeV and well agrees with the spectrum of protons accelerated in an electric field arising during the magnetic reconnection in the solar corona. The value of a spectral exponent of the power law spectrum of DC is distributed from 4 up to 6 with most at 5. This is close to the simulated spectrum arising in the process of stochastic acceleration in turbulent solar plasma.
Citation: Vashenyuk, E. V., Balabin, Yu. V., and Gvozdevsky, B. B.: Features of relativistic solar proton spectra derived from ground level enhancement events (GLE) modeling, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 7, 459-463, doi:10.5194/astra-7-459-2011, 2011.