Large area scintillation muon hodoscope for monitoring of atmospheric and heliospheric processes N. V. Ampilogov, I. I. Astapov, N. S. Barbashina, V. V. Borog, D. V. Chernov, A. N. Dmitrieva, K. G. Kompaniets, A. A. Petrukhin, V. V. Shutenko, A. I. Teregulov, and I. I. Yashin Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow 115409, Russia
Abstract. A new muon hodoscope for investigations of the processes in heliosphere and terrestrial atmosphere by means of cosmic ray muons is described. The setup design is based on multi-layer assemblies of narrow long scintillation strips with WLS fiber readout. Features of the hodoscope design are described and results of tests of a full-scale prototype of the basic unit of the hodoscope detection system – the module – are discussed.
Citation: Ampilogov, N. V., Astapov, I. I., Barbashina, N. S., Borog, V. V., Chernov, D. V., Dmitrieva, A. N., Kompaniets, K. G., Petrukhin, A. A., Shutenko, V. V., Teregulov, A. I., and Yashin, I. I.: Large area scintillation muon hodoscope for monitoring of atmospheric and heliospheric processes, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 7, 435-438, doi:10.5194/astra-7-435-2011, 2011.