Measurements and interpretation of registration of large number of neutrons generated in lead: the role of particle cascades Z. Dębicki1, K. Jędrzejczak1, J. Karczmarczyk1, M. Kasztelan1, R. Lewandowski1, J. Orzechowski1, B. Szabelska1, J. Szabelski1, P. Tokarski1, and T. Wibig1,2 1The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ), Cosmic Ray Laboratory, 90–950 Łódź 1, P.O.Box 447, Poland 2Physics Dept., University of Łódź, Poland
Received: 16 Dec 2010 – Revised: 20 Jan 2011 – Accepted: 21 Jan 2011 – Published: 12 Apr 2011
Abstract. We register events with large number of neutrons at the ground
level as well as in the underground laboratory.
These neutrons are produced in secondary cosmic ray interactions
with matter surrounding the neutron detectors.
We used the set of helium-3 filled gas proportional counters
and plastic scintillators.
We performed a series of measurements in different experimental setups
to determine a role of particle cascades in generation of large neutron
With GEANT4 simulation of experimental setup we estimated number
of neutrons produced in a single event which is required to explain our measurements.
Citation: Dębicki, Z., Jędrzejczak, K., Karczmarczyk, J., Kasztelan, M., Lewandowski, R., Orzechowski, J., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tokarski, P., and Wibig, T.: Measurements and interpretation of registration of large number of neutrons generated in lead: the role of particle cascades, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 7, 101-104, doi:10.5194/astra-7-101-2011, 2011.