Modelling the steady state spectral energy distribution of the BL-Lac Object PKS 2155-30.4 using a selfconsistent SSC model M. Weidinger, M. Rüger, and F. Spanier Page(s) 1-7 AbstractFull Article (PDF, 249 KB)
13 Jan 2010
The Balloon-the-Shower programme of the Pierre Auger Observatory B. Keilhauer for the Pierre Auger Collaboration Page(s) 27-30 AbstractFull Article (PDF, 207 KB)Special Issue
03 Nov 2010
Enhancement of the Yakutsk array by atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes to study cosmic rays above 1015 eV A. A. Ivanov, S. P. Knurenko, Z. E. Petrov, M. I. Pravdin, and I. Ye. Sleptsov Page(s) 53-57 AbstractFull Article (PDF, 273 KB)Special Issue